Saturday 13 February 2010

Musings on Jellyfish

So I watched the film 'Seven Pounds' tonight.

And after all the sentimentality, shmultz, shock plot twists and 'this should make you cry and think about your life' ending, the main thing I got from this is how freaking weird jellyfish are.

I know (and have been told) about how they are probably stunted in some evolutionary way, but my god. What happened? They are barely there. What are they here for?

I often wonder how certain things work, and how certain odd animals or living things survive. Jellyfish sting their prey to death, then pull it up through tentacles and pretty much just decompose it inside themselves. Which may be a backwards, simplistic way of exactly what we do, but it sure as hell looks a lot weirder when they do it.

Don't get me wrong, I ain't no hater. I'm fascinated.

My Soul in a Small Black Box