Friday 10 April 2009


So I caved and got Twitter.

It is probably the most ridiculously pointless thing...
It's barely worth noting that you can communicate with other people on it, because a text message is less limiting, and surely only following the people you know already is slightly pointless, as there are numerous ways of doing that already?

It is feesable that you could actually reply to someone via text via twitter, even though their number is right there in your phone. It's communication doubled up and gone mad, I tell you.

Its either that, or a collection of self-indulgent sentences about how funny you are, or more to the point, why you don't have anything better to do than think about how funny you can be. I'm all about self-indulgence, so thats fine.

So then it falls down to the celebrity factor.
Yeah, maybe once in a blue moon someone minorly (or majorly) famous may reply to something you've said.

OMG you've made a connection, you are best mates with Lily Allen.

My Soul in a Small Black Box