She keeps testing me, does Nelly Furtado.
For the past 2 or so albums, I have had MASSIVE issues with her direction.
'Loose' I thought she was giving up everything her music stood for in the begininng, and selling out the Timbaland and the epitome of what R'n'B music should sound like. Due to this, I think this album had a really temporary shelf life, and will be forgotten a lot easier that her first two.
For 'Mi Plan' (whose name still makes me cringe a bit inside. Not sure why) I had the reverse of this feeling, where I thought she had gone so far back into her previous music, it was almost going to be too inaccessible to me due to a massive language barrier.
But with both of these issues, I got over it and realised that I still do actually love Nelly Furtado since the first day I bought 'Woah, Nelly!'
She's got such an infectious energy and almost a naieve spirit that make me feel like I could never turn my back on her music. And despite the language barrier this time around, the lyrics are still beautifully well crafted, but instantly accessible.
Until she does a drum'n'bass concept album about sacrificing elephants.
I really love elephants.
Tú, que pierdes el control
Hablando en alta voz
Hieres mi corazón
Yo, tratando de escuchar
No me puedo explicar
Qué extraña sensación.
Tú no me quieres entender
Y me mandas a callar diciéndome
No me debo sorprender
Porque así es la realidad
De nuestro amor
Y yo
No tengo armas para enfrentarte
Pongo mis manos, manos al aire
Sólo me importa amarte
En cuerpo y alma como era ayer
Tú que perdiste el control
Te dejaste llevar
Por la inseguridad
Yo que te he visto crecer
Me puedo imaginar
Que todo cambiará
Hoy aunque todo siga igual
Y me mandes a callar diciéndome
Que tienes que dominar
O será el final
Y yo no puedo así
When you lose your self-control
And you're yelling in that tone
You break my heart in two
And I
I try to hear you out
But it's hard to figure out
How to tell you how I feel
You don't want to understand me
You just want to shut me up
And tell me I should'nt be surprised
And that I should realise that this is our love
And I
I have no weapons
I surrender
I put my hands up
My hands up in the air
I only want to love you
With all that I have
Like yesterday
When you lose your upper hand
You get so insecure
And you hate the way it feels
I have seen you grown so much
But it's never enough
I tell myself you'll change
Today, we repeat the same game
You tell me to shut up again
Make it clear that if you had your way
I'd have no say
And I can't live this way