I have WAY too much planning today.
My life is going to be really hard work.
Thank god the social life is on the way out
Because if I had nothing to do all this waiting around would be killing me.
I don't have any excuses for you anymore, you are becoming quite the arse.
'One rule for everybody' has never seemed quite so apt
And right now I feel like I have quite a lot of egg on my face.
Cheers mate.

My life is going to be really hard work.
Thank god the social life is on the way out
Because if I had nothing to do all this waiting around would be killing me.
I don't have any excuses for you anymore, you are becoming quite the arse.
'One rule for everybody' has never seemed quite so apt
And right now I feel like I have quite a lot of egg on my face.
Cheers mate.