Found this while snooping around on a page about the French Revolution, and the 'Reign of Terror' (don't ask.)

Now, while the second point may be valid given the context of the article, (if a little personally biased for an 'encyclopedia') and I do like the emotive little sad face, just to exaggerate it, the first point is just nonsense.
Sandwhiches after mass execution?!
Yeah, go on then.
For future reference, I will NOT be using a user-generated encyclopedia for a teaching reference.
Now, while the second point may be valid given the context of the article, (if a little personally biased for an 'encyclopedia') and I do like the emotive little sad face, just to exaggerate it, the first point is just nonsense.
Sandwhiches after mass execution?!
Yeah, go on then.
For future reference, I will NOT be using a user-generated encyclopedia for a teaching reference.