Thursday 22 April 2010

That Island Boy

I’m such a heartless piece of shit.
Just going though, my room, and throwing out some old stuff.
Found a letter from a person who I think of every single day of my life,
Someone who I will always have a huge place in my heart for,
Someone who i treated so bad.
The biggest mistake i have ever made is letting you go.
I hate myself so much for what happened.
I’ve never lost intrest in you.
You are so perfect and I dont know why I never seen it before.
You understood me in a way like no other, you were the one person who i could tell anything to, even though i found it so hard.
I was immature, and stupid, and I cannot believe I gave up on you.
I’m sorry, I’m so so Sorry.
I will always have love for you.

I found this today as I was stalking.
As much as I still have a lot of contempt for Jack, and don't think I could ever be anywhere near on the level of friendship with him again after the way he acted during and after...
It's nice to know that someone, anyone, somewhere has once thought that about me.
He's a fuck up, but I still feel a huge sense of honour to have left an impression like that.

Right, self indulgence over. NEXT.

My Soul in a Small Black Box