Tuesday 9 March 2010


Trying to fit everything I want to say into one text message. Or three as the case may be.
Four is too excessive, right?

Why, whenever a situation like this comes up, do I always get this inevitable wave of 'you only live once, just press send' coming over me?

Surely in my 22 years I have grown enough to judge something and think a situation through without leaving it to chance, fate and taking a risk.


So there has been this letter sat on my desk for about a week, ready to send but I've been too scared to do it.
I would really like to go for a drink with you...
But I can't lie, I am still really cut up over losing you, and I've never felt like this before.
I think about you still every day, and haven't said anything because I don't want to bother you.
I hate that it's come to me telling you this over a text, but I didn't want to seem rude by not replying...
I'm sorry.

My Soul in a Small Black Box